Waterstops for Concrete

800-821-3859 • 951-763-7077

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Earth Shield® Waterstops for Chemical, Industrial, & Environmental Applications

Since 1954, J P Specialties has been a leader in manufacturing the Earth Shield® line of waterstops, renowned for their superior quality and performance. We provide a wide array of waterstops and accessories, all supported by exceptional technical expertise and customer service.
Waterstop plays a critical role in the integrity of concrete structures. Waterstop provides a fluid-tight diaphragm when embedded in and running through concrete joints. Earth Shield® waterstops are used worldwide by major engineering firms and project owners for chemical containment, water and wastewater treatment, fuel resistance, and ozone contactor structures. J P Specialties also manufactures a complete line of high-quality waterstop installation tools and accessories. We invented the tools and technology to thermo-weld plastic (PVC, TPV, HDPE) waterstops (U.S. Patent Number 4,867,835).
  • We assist the Design Engineer and Project Owner with individual project and waterstop product specifications and certification.
  • Waterstop Shop Drawings, including 2-D CAD, 3-D isometric CAD, and BIM.
  • FAST job site delivery anywhere in the world.
  • Waterstop certifications include NSF 61, NSF 372, CEGS 03250, CRD C-572, ASTM D471, ACI 350, and others.
  • FREE waterstop welding certification class for Contractors.
The Waterstop Experts®
Contact the Waterstop Experts at 951-763-7077 or [email protected]
Waterstops for Concrete
Earth Shield® waterstops are designed to meet strict performance requirements and regulations, which helps ensure critical structures remain fluid-tight and stable throughout their lifespan. By choosing the appropriate waterstop design and installation methods, engineers can effectively handle the challenges related to concrete joint sealing and contribute to the long-term success of their projects. Contact our technical engineering team for help with specifications and detailing.
The Primary Choice for Secondary Containment™
Contact the Waterstop Experts at 951-763-7077 or [email protected]
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To earn NSF/ANSI 61 certification, J P Specialties’ Earth Shield® PVC, TPV, and MCR waterstops undergo rigorous testing and evaluation to verify that they meet requirements for use in treating drinking water. NSF International also actively audits J P Specialties’ manufacturing facilities to certify compliance with the standard requirements.
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Ribbed Centerbulb Waterstop — The ribbed centerbulb waterstop is a highly versatile type of waterstop capable of accommodating lateral, transverse, and shear movement. It is used in expansion, construction, and control joints and offers excellent anchoring abilities and a long fluid-flow path due to the multiple ribs on the exterior flanges. Under stress, the numerous ribs on the waterstop will distort less than a dumbbell-type waterstop because the pressure is first applied to the inward-most anchoring rib and decreases to the subsequent ribs. This design allows for joint movement beyond the ultimate elongation of the material without distorting the anchoring ribs. Our ribbed centerbulb waterstops feature a sizeable outer diameter centerbulb. Combined with our elastomers' exceptional mechanical properties (ultimate elongation, tensile strength), they provide unsurpassed joint movement and sealing abilities.
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Retrofit Waterstop — The retrofit waterstop creates a fluid-tight seal between existing and new concrete construction without labor-intensive and structurally destructive saw-cutting and grouting. It is perfect for constructing a new containment curb or wall next to or on an existing slab. We also offer unique profile fabrications for columns and pipe penetrations. Our retrofit waterstops are sold as complete systems and include all the necessary stainless steel bars and bolts. Additionally, we provide high-quality chemical-resistant novolac epoxy — VEN 250, VEN 500, or VEN 1000. Similar to all our thermoplastic waterstops, Earth Shield® retrofit waterstop can be heat-welded using a standard waterstop splicing iron, allowing for easy field fabrications and enabling the waterstop to function as a continuous, homogeneous, fluid-tight diaphragm.
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Flat Strip Waterstop — A flat strip waterstop is ideal for limited movement construction and contraction (control) joints. Similar to all our thermoplastic waterstops, Earth Shield® flat strip waterstop can be heat-welded using a standard waterstop splicing iron, allowing for easy field fabrications and enabling the waterstop to function as a continuous, homogeneous, fluid-tight diaphragm.
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EB Cap Waterstop — Integrated expansion board cap waterstop systems replace post-applied joint sealant and provide a fluid-tight internal seal like a traditional waterstop with a one-step, integrated unit. Install Earth Shield® expansion board cap waterstop on top of conventional expansion board filler or Earth Shield’s chemical-resistant, plastic expansion board. The expansion board acts as the form; therefore, no form splitting is necessary, significantly accelerating the project schedule and providing a long-lasting, attractive finished concrete joint. Like all our thermoplastic vulcanizate waterstops, Earth Shield® integrated cap system waterstop can be heat-welded using a standard waterstop splicing iron, allowing for easy field fabrications. Our EB Cap waterstop functions as a continuous, homogeneous, fluid-tight diaphragm.
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Tear Web Waterstop — Earth Shield® tear web waterstops are for large joint movements such as tank foundations. For construction and contraction (control) joints, install a ribbed centerbulb instead. Earth Shield® tear web waterstop can be heat-welded using a standard waterstop splicing iron allowing for easy field fabrications and enabling the waterstop to function as a continuous, homogeneous, fluid-tight diaphragm.
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Base Seal Waterstop — The Base Seal Waterstop is perfect for flat pavement jobs like runways and large containment slabs. It is the easiest waterstop to install. You lay the waterstop directly on the compacted subgrade, place and finish the concrete, and create control joints using a saw cut or another method. The base seal provides a permanent, life-of-structure seal at the bottom of the joint. It is suitable for construction, contraction (control), and expansion joints. For significant hydrostatic head pressures (>50 feet), a ribbed centerbulb should be used instead. Like all our thermoplastic waterstops, the Earth Shield® base seal waterstop can be heat-welded using a standard waterstop splicing iron, allowing for easy field fabrications and enabling the waterstop to function as a continuous, homogeneous, fluid-tight diaphragm.
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Dumbbell Waterstop — Dumbbell waterstops are most commonly installed in below-grade applications with limited movement. Dumbbell waterstops work well in construction and contraction (control) joints, while dumbbell centerbulbs can accommodate construction, control, and expansion joints. The large centerbulb (1-1/2” outer diameter) on the JP949 (and JP1149) waterstop profile, along with the excellent mechanical properties of our thermoplastic elastomers and large endbulb anchors, enable the product to withstand significant joint movements such as seismic activity or settlement. Most of our dumbbell waterstops are 3/8” thick, making them the largest and thickest profiles available in the industry. Like all our thermoplastic waterstops, Earth Shield® dumbbell waterstops can be heat-welded using a standard waterstop splicing iron for easy field fabrications and enables the waterstop to function as a continuous, homogeneous, fluid-tight diaphragm.
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Column and Pipe Fitting Waterstop — Earth Shield® Column & Pipe Fitting (part no. JP320LC1.XX* [*XX is the diameter in inches]) is made with a flexible, chemical-resistant polymer and stainless steel anchoring hardware. It can be quickly installed by a single laborer on the job site. To install, apply an epoxy gel bed to the existing surface, place the polymer ring into the epoxy gel bed, heat weld the single opening on the polymer ring using a waterstop splicing iron, and finally, complete the system with the stainless steel closure ring. The Earth Shield® system acts as an internal dam within the cast concrete, stopping aggressive chemicals, solvents, and hot petroleum oils from penetrating the joint.